December 2, 2009

How did u Configure and Use Remote Assistance

A Remote Assistance session requires that both the user needing help and the expert
user actively participate in establishing the connection. The session is established in the
following phases:
1. The user that needs help sends a Remote Assistance invitation to the expert user.
2. The expert user responds to the invitation.
3. The user accepts the expert user’s assistance.
To send a Remote Assistance invitation, use these steps:
1. From the Start menu, select Help And Support.
2. In the Help And Support Center, under Ask For Assistance, select Invite A Friend
To Connect To Your Computer With Remote Assistance, and then select Invite Someone To Help You.
3. Select the method that you want to use to create the invitation, as shown in Figure
18-18. You can send invitations directly by using Windows Messenger, by using an e-mail attachment, or by saving an invitation file and transmitting it to the helper user (for example, you could save the file to a shared folder on the network).

4. When prompted, enter the requested information, including your name, a message, when the invitation should expire, and (optionally) a password to be used to establish the connection.
5. Click Send Invitation

Note When an invitation is sent through an e-mail attachment or saved as a file, the file has a .MsRcIndicent extension. An expert user must respond to an invitation to continue the process. If the invitation is by using Windows Messenger, you must accept the invitation that is presented in the Messenger pop-up window. If the invitation is sent by e-mail, you must open the attached invitation. If the invitation file is transmitted in some other fashion, you must access and open it. If a password is required, you must enter the password in the
Remote Assistance dialog box. Tip Using Windows Messenger to establish a Remote Assistance connection is the easiest method because the Windows Messenger connection can usually be established regardless of whether there are firewalls on either the user’s or the expert helper’s network. If you use another method of establishing a Remote Assistance session, you must configure a firewall to allow the connection. Like Remote Desktop, Remote Assistance uses TCP port 3389 by default. Windows then notifies the user requiring assistance that the request has been accepted. The user must click Yes in the Remote Assistance dialog box as a final indication of acceptance, and Remote Assistance then establishes the connection.


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